Posted by Mike Pukanic on

If you’re the type of person whose calendar is filled with activities from walking groups to webinars and the thought of spending a night in front of the TV sends you into a complete tailspin, then keep on doing what you’re doing, because it seems all that socialising is good for your brain!

Studies conducted in the UK suggest socialising provides our brain with the same sort of stimulation and health benefits that exercise gives our bodies.

The magic lies in the human connection, whether in person or online. Our conversations and human interaction are the key to stimulating and activating our brain. The simple act of talking with people or sharing a comforting cup of tea creates a sense of togetherness that the brain recognises.

For many people, conversations and educational activities, whether in person or online, can challenge our point of view, ignite a passion and help the brain with associative recall. All of these things can trigger the cognitive part of the brain and like every other muscle in the body, the more you use your brain the better it will serve you.

Of course, not everyone was created with a desire to be surrounded by people. Some people genuinely like their own company and prefer to be left alone. If you are one of those people who struggle with getting out and being social – here are some tips for you to optimise your brain health and your memory:

Call One Person on the Telephone

To everyone out there who has ever been labelled a chatterbox, keep on talking; it’s an excellent natural remedy for your brain. For those of you out there who may not necessarily enjoy conversations – set yourself a goal.

Start small and try calling one person a week – make it a weekly occurrence, then either increase the frequency of these calls or add one more person to the schedule so you have two calls a week. Up this until you have one phone call every single day. Remember, you don’t have to talk for hours, you just have to say something.

Read a Book

We know that puzzles and crosswords are excellent brain exercisers, but if you don’t enjoy them, a good old fashion book is a great way to keep your mind and brain active. Reading stimulates the brain to remember, to recall and to visualise. On top of all of that, it is a very relaxing past-time!


Taking a daily walk will boost and improve memory. When you go out walking take some time to inhale and exhale, to absorb your surroundings and every so often take a different route – this really puts your brain to the test! Studies conducted at the Mayo clinic indicate that the effects of exercise on the brain can help reduce memory loss.

Remember that a fresh and healthy approach to nutrition coupled with the right supplements including Vitamin B6, Folic Acid and Gingko Biloba can also benefit your brain health.

We all have the potential to live healthy lives, and it is up to us to take the steps to protect our health and our memories. Explore the options that are best suited for you and consult your health care consultant for advice.

Have you lost your social connections because of the pandemic? Or are you staying in touch with your friends and loved ones? How often do you have a chat with a friend? Do you intentionally stay in touch? Please share your thoughts with the community!

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